Dont say you ever been to Malang but you haven't try Malang's unique food fromMalang BAKSO BAKAR MALANG."Why this food is uniqe?" Because only at Malang you can find this kind of food and has a special taste in it.
"WHat kind of food is it?" a Meat ball sauced with a ketchup and burned it like a satay..YUMMYYY!!!!
There are 2 places i reccomend you all to try this meat ball barbeque.
1. Infront of Gajayana hotel at Jl Cipto. If you all still confused, ask Malang people where is " Bakso Bakar Cak Man". They must know it, because that place always be the main destination food for tourist at Malang.
2. At Jl. pahlawan Trip, infront of the church in Ijen area. You could try to "burn"/ "nyate" your meatball by your own self. but dont burn it ok!! LOL
Dont forget to buy some for your family too, trust me..once you but some, you'll be "addict" to this Bakso Bakar Malang
c u all guys (-_-)y
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Bakso Bakar Malang
Posted by Savec at 6:19 PM 17 comments
Labels: Malang City
Kasembon Rafting - Batu, Malang
It's about 45-60 menit from Malang state to the location (Kasembon. the route is Malang-Batu-Kasembon. it;s not hard to find this place because there's lot of sign showing the way to there. This rafting place have great spot of water and can be controled its water debit, so amateur or profesional rafter could challenge thier skill, and ability in rafting.
For the cost, Rp 100.000 for week days and Rp 125.000 for week ends. With paying that price, rafter get some facilities. A Transport from your bascamp to the spot (where we start the raft). We also get a jecket and a helmet for rafting, to give protection, also a paddle and ofcourse free soft drink snack and fresh coconut special from Malang :p . dont forget a pro guide that will accompany us in the trip.
This place is a great palce for family and teenagers. why? not only because the raft things, but the scenary at the evening,its so damn beautiful..if makes U like challnge?? Try this One Mate (-_-)y
Posted by Savec at 5:38 AM 2 comments
Labels: Malang City, Rafting
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Safari Park
With over 168 sprawling hectares, this safari park is recognised as being one of the most successful breeding centers of endangered species in the world. Sumatran and albino tigers, rhinoceroses and China bears are just a few of the species that roam freely throughout the park. The park also offers a campsite, recreational forests and caravan park. Visitors can choose to explore in either personal or hired vehicles. Admission: Day tour: Adults Rp.20,000; children IDR15,000. Cars and minibuses cost Rp.15,000. You can also opt for the night safari.
The location Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen is between Surabaya and Malang, East Java. It is just 50 Km drive from Juanda International Airport Surabaya or only 1,5 hours by vehicle. While from Malang, it is 45 Km or 1 hour by car. If using bus from Surabaya or Malang, stop at "Gading Sukorejo", then continue by Ojek (hired motorcycle) to reach Taman Safari Indonesia II.its only cost Rp. 5000,oo. Or you can use a Travel Agent
Visit Taman Safari Indonesia II with your family, friends or the other. Here you can meet with the youngest animals. You also can take a picture with young Monkey, white and endangered Sumatran tigers, African Lion. Watch and learn the Chimpanzee and more as they swing from branch to branch in their unique cultural settings. See also the variety of attractive birds in aviary. Then it's time to go to through the reptile house and see all kind of snakes, lizards, and nocturnal creatures from all over the Indonesian.
thanks to visit indonesia
Posted by Savec at 11:06 PM 12 comments
Labels: Malang City, Safari
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bromo - Tengger - Semeru National Park
# Bromo - Tengger - Semeru National Park
This National Park is one of the most beautiful places of interest in East Java. The beauties of mountain covered, give a special and characteristic green plants, arousing great interest. Tenggerese traditional farming also makes this famous place being more interesting and attractive. In addition, cool and breezy wind always blows freshly giving ever visitor special deep impression a unforgettable memories.
The accessibility has no problem and very reachable (via Malang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo or Lumajang).
Surely, different access give different characteristics scenery landscape. The elevation reaches about 2.392 meter sea level above and the temperature varies from 3 up to 20 degrees centigrade.
Facilities: Star Hotels, home-stays, restaurants, and many others that visitors needed can be found.
The people who live in this area are supposed to be descended from Majapahit Kingdom about six hundred years ago. The belonged to Tenggerese Hinduism with old traditional. That tradition still survives up to now. Every year, they always carry out the traditional and religious ceremonies, and the most popular ones is Yadnya Kasada, an offering ceremony held at the edge of the crater on the top of mount Bromo.
Posted by Savec at 2:07 AM 5 comments
Labels: Mountain View
Wendit Natural Swimming Pool
# Wendit Natural Swimming Pool
As an interesting natural swimming pool, Wendit Swimming Pool present a special recreational spots in order to regain the new spirit and there is also the friendly monkeys that entertain and give special attraction to the visitors with their jocking action.
According to the local folk tale, the pool offer mystical power to those who have taken a bath in the pool would remain young for the rest of their life. On the days Idul fitri, the Islamic days (seven days Lebaran) some traditional performances are staged here.
The pool is located at Mangliawan village, a village belonging to Pakis Sub District, about 10 km a way to the East from Malang.
Facilities: pool using natural water spring water that never dies in all season (dry or wet season), souvenir shops, and some recreational spots in Wendit's area.
The accessibility is very reachable, public transportation or private. So that, Wendit swimming pool is very suitable for your family and children to have family recreation.
Posted by Savec at 2:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Malang City
Mount Kawi
# A Pilgrimage Tourism Site - Mount Kawi
As a pilgrimage tourism village, Wonosari - Gunung Kawi (Mt Kawi) has many beautiful, special and impressive mountainous panorama, which noted as one of the most fascinating villages in the South-Western part of Malang Regency. Most people know that this village has a special site where the tomb of grandfather Iman Soedjono, one of the seventy nobleman who took arms againts the Dutch occupation led by Prince Diponegoro in 1825 - 1830.
Next to the grave of grandfather Iman Soedjono lied the tomb of grandfather Djoego or Kiai Zakaria II, a local figure who first pioneered a new technology in farming at that time. Usually the visitors that come to visit this place believe that the pilgrimage will bring fortune to their works, the future life, such as: trading, making a health farming, etc.
The suggested time to visit the sacred sepulchers is customarily on Thursday evening or "Jum'at Legi" (Javanese Calendar). The tombs themselves have long been equipped with adequate facilities for both pilgrimages and vacationers. The accessibility is reachable, public transportation or not, 30 km a way to the Southwest from Malang.
Posted by Savec at 12:27 AM 3 comments
Labels: Malang City
Jajaghu (Jago) and Kidal Temple
these are some temples at Malang.. You can learn more about Malang's HIstory here
# Jajaghu (Jago) Temple Tourism
Jajaghu or Jago temple was constructed in 1275 - 1300 AD. It believed as the burial place of King Wisnuwardhana ashes, the fourth king of Singosari kingdom. It is extremely interesting that the temple has ornament similarities to those of Penataran temple in Blitar Regency. It lies at Jago village, Tumpang District, the eastern part of Malang (about 22 km).Visit the historical temple in Malang tourism. Find its beautiful relief and unique temple form in Jago Temple.
# Kidal Temple Tourism
Kidal temple is located in Rejo Kidal village, Tumpang district, about 24 km away to the East from Malang city. The Real height of the temple is 17 meters, but now it's just 12,4 meters. Kidal temple is one of Malang's historical temple that save history value. The temple base has a shape square. The door is one in west side. Above the door of the temple, there are "Kepala Kala" (Head of Giants) and lions. The temple was decorated using ornaments, which depict Mahabharata story not in sequence.Visit this historical temple in Malang regency and watch its unique form that become the interesting point of Kidal temple.
Posted by Savec at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Malang City
Singosari Temple
Singosari Temple Tourism
Singosari temple, also known as Kendedes temple, was founded in honor to King Kertanegara, the last king of Singosari dynasty who died in 1292 AD. It was erected in 1300 AD at the same time when the ritual Sradha took place. In the vicinity of the temple there are two gigantic statue called Dwarapala, believed to be the entrance guards to the palace.
This temple has saved the historical story that always remember by Malang public. However, Singosari temple is a symbol of the existence of Malang regency from years ago.
As the other East Java's temple, Singosari temple is formed from red bricks and arranged in cone building, called temple. This temple also has beautiful relief that describe the great of Singosari Kingdom years ago.
Posted by Savec at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Malang City
Tea Plantation ( Kebun Teh Wonosari)
Tea Plantation Tourism - Wonosari - Lawang
This plantation pleasure gives a special and peaceful impression, beautiful panorama of tea plantation. The plantation is situated at an area on the slope of mount Arjuno, it belongs to Wonosari - Toyomarto village, Singosari district. In this tourist object, visitors can watch and enjoy the special impression, processing of tea from the leaves taken to the tea ready to drink. The location is reachable, about 30 km away to the North from Malang. Facilities: swimming pool, cottages, jogging tracks area, camping grounds, and many other.
Posted by Savec at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Malang City
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Coban Rondo Waterfall Malang
These are some places you all can visit, thanks to visit indonesia
# Coban Rondo Waterfall
Coban Rondo waterfall is a beautiful water fall on the slope of Mount Panderman resort that is about 32 km to the west from Malang, it is very interesting to see and visit.
The height of waterfall is about 60 meter. Visitor can find and enjoy beautiful panorama ore peaceful impression around the waterfall.

Facilities: camping ground, jogging track, fishing or playing with elephants from The Elephants' School Waykambas Lampung - Sumatra.
Visit Coban Rondo waterfall tourism and enjoy its nature scenery with its fresh air.
interesting yall (-_-)y
Posted by Savec at 8:01 AM 6 comments
Labels: Malang City